Dengue is a viral disease spread by the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. Dengue is endemic to many tropical countries.
Know the symptoms of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. The signs of dengue fever are high fever, rash, vomiting, headache and severe joint pain. The symptoms for dengue hemorrhagic fever are more severe and can include respiratory complications, abdominal pain, bleeding, bruising and shock.

When talking about nutrition for dengue fever one cannot forget continuous rest and intake of water to the required amount which should be observed from the initial stages itself. It is more secure to consult a doctor if the above mentioned symptoms persist for more than 3-4 days. There are some people who are infected with the disease but no external symptoms. This is a very serious case as the disease will be brought to the notice of others only after it reaches the dangerous conditions.
Yet there is no specific cure for dengue infection but the disease could be controlled to a large extent with the use of drugs

A mosquito becomes a dengue virus carrier only after biting an infected person therefore it is the responsibility of the patient to protect from mosquito bites.
Paracetamol help to bring down fever and it is advised to use it only after the said time intervals. Aspirin and brufen could develop the risk of bleeding and reduce platelets therefore it is suggested to limit those drugs to be on the safe side. Antibiotics cannot help this. Platelet transfusion has to be done only in the case of very law platelet count and bleeding.
What to drink:
Purified water, coconut water and other healthy water preparations: lemon water, turmeric water, herbal water (with tarragon, lemon grass, mint)
Coconut juice replenishes electrolytes, minerals and other trace minerals lost by the body to dehydration.

Studies show that pure organic vegetable juices can provide all the basics of human nutrition.
Fruit juices – papaya, oranges, guava,
"Prevention is better than cure". This saying is very true with dengue fever as it could be prevented.